No Alimony: Ne-Yo Fighting Estranged Wife, Wants Georgia Mansion & Told Judge Crystal Can Take Her Of Herself

by | Divorce

Ne-Yo is over his estranged wife Crystal Renay Smith who started her month off right and filed to divorce him on  August 1 in Atlanta, Georgia. She listed the date of marriage as February 20, 2016 and the date of separation as July 22, 2022.

According to the divorce documents, Renay alleges that the “So Sick” singer recently fathered a child with another woman.

Now Neyo is playing hardball, demanding joint physical custody of their 3 children.

According to court documents obtained by, the singer agreed that his marriage is “irretrievably broken with no hope of reconciliation.”

Ne-Yo objected to Crystal’s request for temporary and permanent alimony along with primary custody. He said they should share joint legal and physical custody. The music producer said he should pay child support but scoffed at the idea of spousal support.

Ne-Yo said he is an “active and loving Father to his children.”

“[Ne-Yo] asserts that he is financially, physically, and emotionally capable of serving as a joint physical custodian of the parties’ three minor children alongside the [Crystal].”

Further, Ne-Yo asked for both parties to pay debts solely in his or Crystal’s name.

He demanded the exclusive use of the marital home in Georgia as “he has been solely responsible for the mortgage and maintenance of this property since the date of purchase.” The singer said he purchased 3 properties during the marriage and maintained them by himself.

Ne-Yo wants Crystal’s lack of contribution considered when the assets are divided up.

The singer admitted he is an established professional entertainer while Crystal had been “formally unemployed at times during the marriage.” Ne-Yo said Crystal’s image and earning potential “has benefited significantly due to her personal association with the Respondent and his career.”

As a result, Ne-Yo said, “[Crystal] possess the considerable ability to procure stable and consistent employment at this current time and following the dissolution of the marriage.”

The singer also wants Crystal to pay her own legal fees.

The two share three minor children Shaffer Smith Jr., Roman Smith and Isabella Smith. Crystal said she wanted primary custody of their kids with Ne-Yo being awarded joint legal custody.

In her petition she said she “is entitled to a divorce from [Ne-Yo] upon the ground that the marriage is irretrievably broken with no hope for reconciliation.” She adds, “[Ne-Yo] has committed the act of adultery.” Crystal accused her ex of having a baby with another woman.

Crystal demanded temporary and permanent alimony in both child and spousal support. She told the court she relied on Ne-Yo’s money to pay the bills since they agreed she wouldn’t work.

“[Crystal] requests that [Ne-Yo] be solely responsible for any and all debts and obligations independently acquired by [Ne-Yo] and that [Ne-Yo] hold [Crystal] harmless for any such debts or obligations,” the filing read.

Crystal’s petition demanded Ne-Yo cough up $25k to cover her legal fees.

On July 30, Renay shared a post on Instagram alleging NE-YO was unfaithful to her in their marriage and that the pair’s years-long relationship is now over. NE-YO, on his part, said he will not comment on “personal matters.”

“Eight years. 8 years of lies and deception,” Renay wrote in her post, which has since been taken down along with her entire account. “8 years of unknowingly sharing my life and my husband with numerous women who sell their bodies to him unprotected…every last one of them!”

To say I’m heartbroken and disgusted is a[n] understatement,” her message continued. “To ask me to stay and accept it is absolutely insane. The mentality of a narcissist. I will no longer lie to the public or pretend that this is something it isn’t. I choose me, I choose my happiness and health and my respect.”

“I gained 3 beautiful children out of this but nothing else but wasted years and heartache,” Renay added.

Kissy's Thoughts

Some men will continue taking care of their wife even when he’s no longer in love with her. But most men won’t.

While I honor women who are 100% feminine, have a husband who provides, and she doesn’t work, I had to start honoring my own personal beliefs.

When a man is IN LOVE with you, he will do anything for you. That’s the time to deeply relax into your femininity, rest, take a break and then come up with a well thought out business plan and execute.

It’s not the time to believe you made it and get knocked up with 20 kids. It’s the time to understand you’ve successfully created a great opportunity for yourself to financially thrive and build a legacy.

There must be a balance between yourself, your business, your children, your household, and the man you love.

When we see women like Crystal who get snatched from the strip club into the exact rich, celebrity life she dreamed of, initially she’s grateful and will accept any behavior from a man. But the longer she stays, the more kids she has, the more she falls deeper in love and becomes invested.

Eventually she builds a name for herself and wants RESPECT. Those of us who have large, visible online brands can’t afford to be disrespected by a man’s infidelities.

Once she’s popular,  she will no longer keep putting up with his ish, due to public embarrassment.

Thinking of the Wendy Williams situation. She was willing to keep the man until the public found out that he’d bought a house down the street for his public mistress.  It’s the public eye and humiliaton that often forces women to love themselves and own their truths.

In each case, a man is only going to treat you the way you let him. Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez are two women who don’t play.

Someone once told me that there is something wrong with a woman who doesn’t trust a man to 100% provide for her. That woman did that, until years later she started her business and retired her husband.

I disagree. There is everything right with a woman who doesn’t trust a man to provide for her forever. After all it’s really God providing through a man. Sometimes it’s time to get a new man. The more financially stable and independent a woman is the better choices she has in men; when she works on her femininity too.

In this case despite coming up off of Neyo’s name, Crystal hasn’t done much for her business brand. Chances are the judge will grant her at least $25,000 a month. Divorce laws are made to stop men from completely wasting a woman’s time. As he can always go get a younger woman, as reports say he already has.

Crystal will probably get on a reality show and create more income. At the end of the day, the embarrassment pays. Yet there are non celebrity boss chicks who make a ton of money and are married to every day men.

Click here to book a call with me to become a feminine woman and manifest a luxurious, high value relationship.

Sidenote: It’s funny that people have been calling Neyo gay for years. Meanwhile he’s been having sex with multiple women without a condom, according to Crystal.

UPDATE: Neyo wants the judge to issue Crystal a gag order. Click Here for that story. 
