Your Luxury Lifestyle Transformation

starts now!

Hi, I’m Kissy Denise

The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation

Spiritual healer for heart-centered souls who seek to change the world.

Kissy was a comedian in her past life. But in this current incarnation she’s a writer not a biter and a spiritual healer. Someone who can’t be defined. Dream Life Manifestation is what she does best.

She’s world renowned coach, speaker and author with a focus on spirituality, manifestation and conscious relationships.  

At the root of Kissy’s teasing is self-love and love.  The way your life looks right now is a reflection of the relationship that you have with yourself.

The moment you improve that relationship, everything and everyone around you improves.

I am the author of a best selling relationship series. I’ve coached millionaires, interviewed billionaires, pulled people up from the bottom, helped clients attract their soulmate, healed many hearts (and broken a few), fixed a slew of marriages, and helped thousands of amazing clients develop a unique soul-led strategy to manifest millions of dollars into their business, raised the confidence and  consciousness of thousands of people.

Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece |The Goddess of Love & Motivation is a force you’ve never seen. She operates as a complete life changer for those seeking transformation.

Kissy came to change the game! She not only writes to entertain her followers, but she also writes from her soul to motivate, inspire, heal, align and change the lives of millions of people every month through her multiple platforms.

Kissy Denise is a master spiritual life coach, and an intuitive soul, deeply connected to the divine, in order to bring Prophetic insights and gifts to her international client base.

Her mission in life is to heal the world with love and hold space for millionaire mindsets who often don’t have a safe, non-judgemental space to work through their thoughts.

I know you

I’ve walked the path.



That’s awesome. I LOVE LOVE. SO, You’ve come to the right place. 

My soul work involves assisting individuals and couples  who’ve reached a state of awakening or heightened consciousness, speed up the process of manifesting your ideal life in both your business and personal relationships.

If you have found your way to this page, it signifies that you are ready to embark on a profound journey of creating a life filled with more love, happiness and purpose. Welcome, beautiful soul, for you have arrived at the perfect place where spiritual awakening meets manifestation.

Guiding Awakened Souls:

As a guide and mentor, I specialize in supporting awakened individuals and couples who are ready to accelerate the manifestation of their ideal lives. Together, we will delve into the depths of heightened consciousness, unlocking the potential within you to manifest your desired outcomes with greater ease and speed.

Embracing Spiritual Practices and Personal Growth:

I am passionate about working with clients who have a thirst for knowledge, a desire to deepen their understanding of themselves, their purpose, and the interconnectedness of the world. Through the art of spiritual practices and personal growth, we will embark on a transformative journey to align your inner and outer realities, allowing you to step into your true power.

Unleashing Advanced Manifestation Principles:

Manifesting your dreams and envisioning the life you desire is not meant to be a struggle. Together, we will tap into the wisdom of advanced manifestation principles and the law of attraction, guiding you to consciously create your reality. With aligned thoughts, beliefs, and intentional actions, you will witness the power of manifestation unfolding effortlessly.

Embracing the Ease of Transformation: Dear seeker, you are aware that the process of bringing desires and aspirations into reality can be effortless. Deep down, you know that this journey is meant to be filled with joy, ease, and grace. It is my purpose to assist you on this path, making the transformation process smooth and enjoyable, as you manifest a life you truly love.

Embark on Your Journey:

Now is the time to take inspired action and embrace the life you have always envisioned. Scroll below and allow yourself to step into the transformative realm of manifestation. Together, we will unlock the power within you, aligning your spiritual essence with your desires, and witnessing the beauty of your dreams unfolding before your very eyes.

Beloved spiritual soul, your presence here signifies a profound readiness for transformation. It is a testament to your commitment to creating a life that aligns with your deepest desires. Through our collaboration, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and conscious manifestation. Trust in the process, for the life you love is within your reach. Take a step forward, embrace your innate power, and let the magic of manifestation guide you to extraordinary heights.

She has walked the path.

Whatever it is you want to do with your life, there’s a high chance that Kissy can help you. She’s a genius with divine insight and boasts a social media following of more than 600,000 people.

Kissy isn’t just a coach. She’s a dream activator, who expands the vision of elite, millionaire mindsets. She’s many in Hollywood’s secret weapon on their spiritual journey, causing quantum leaps.

Donations on this site go to help Kissy provide education and enlightenment to women in battered women’s shelters.

Kissy has battled through heartbreak, abusive relationships and homelessnes. She broke the cycle to learn how to attract healthy relationships with high value people. While Kissy has always been successful in everything she touches, she had a spiritual awakening a few years ago and channeled the message to wake people up.

Therefore she embodied her calling as THE Goddess of Love & Motivation, to serve the world with love, kindness, authenticity, confidence and a unique fierceness that comes from her passion to not only live her best life, but to also show her tribe (The Masterpiece Tribe) how they too can acquire the life of their dreams.

“I did one of Kissy's Soul Alignment Sessions. Kissy helped me face clearly WHAT I REALLY WANT but had denied for so long because I felt like it was too great and truly TOO good to be true. <3 Thank you, Kissy. She truly is a *dream activator* and helps you BELEIVE.
She also helped me be brave enough to SEE MY BRILLIANCE!!!!! It's scary thinking you could be JUST. THAT. AWESOME.
Thank you for helping me see and face myself and my real desires, Kissy!! So much love!!! <3 <3 ”

Lizzie Lipovsky

“Kissy Denise has been absolute blessing to have entered my life. She's helped me further my business, reconnect with the love of my life, and also see the beauty in all. She's one of the most amazing Life Coaches I have ever met and I've met tons of them! Believe me, she's one of a kind. Mark my words next year this time you won't be able to book &/or hire her for less than $25,000. Get in now, thank me later. Peace 7 Love”

Fadie Hany Areny

“5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

There is NO DOUBT that Kissy Denise will change your entire world with her deep healing abilities, prophetic intuitive knowledge, and wise interpretation of God's word!

My business became more profitable after I invested in learning from her, AND I gained inner confidence that physically manifested as THOUSANDS of followers in DAYS as a result of the mental shifts she provided me.

There seems to be a gift of knowledge and money that God gives to me every time I am in her presence. She also helped me heal from trauma with her spiritual tools and wisdom, restoring my faith in the spiritual journey. This is how I know she is the right coach for me.
Kissy is a gifted, pure soul who can help you change your life for the better if you are READY for a change!”

Chelsea Boddie

Social Media Manager

NOW is the time to

Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams!

Here's how i can help you

Play to Win!

Play to Win – Become The Dream Man That Women Love, Respect & Submit To


A dating playbook for good men who deserve high value women who legit love, build empires , speak life into Kings and create generational wealth with men who want to leave a legacy on the world.

Kissed by KISSY

Kissed By Kissy: A collection For Boss Chicks


Every Queen & Boss Goddess feels beautiful, when she has flawless, high-end make-up that matches her luxurious lifestyle.

Head on over to to order your new favorite luxury lip-gloss line.

My Courses Library

My Course Library - A course isn’t a course without Kissy being involved.


Would you like to catch a real shift that gives your CLARITY and causes you to take MASSIVE ACTION in pursuit of your goals and dreams?

Kissy created a line of courses to get you unstuck, and show you how to be your authentic self, while providing you with everything you need to build a successful 6-7 Figure online brand with along with an aligned following, who loves to buy.

Billion Dollar Mastermind

My Courses Library


You made it to the top of the mountain we call success. You realize there is more to life, like getting closer to God and fulfilling his will for your life.  This is for successful CEOs and entrepreneurs who are already bringing in high profits into your business. You desire a boost of motivation, expansion and to be in a heart-centered container of your peers, who are doubling their income, launching passion projects, increasing your influence and impact, becoming an ICON. This will also bring you spiritual enlightenment, more peace, pleasure, joy, and a beautiful, aligned heart-centered, wealthy network. Apply To Join The Manifestation Secret Garden