by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jan 1, 2024 |
Releasing control of your life can be important for several reasons, as it allows for personal growth, resilience, and a more fulfilling existence. Here are some key reasons why letting go of excessive control can be beneficial:
Adaptability: Life is unpredictable, and circumstances often change unexpectedly. Releasing control allows you to adapt more easily to new situations and challenges. It enables you to be flexible and open-minded, which can be crucial for personal and professional success.
Reducing Stress: The need for control can lead to stress and anxiety, especially when faced with situations beyond your control. Letting go of the need to control every aspect of your life can reduce stress and contribute to better mental and emotional well-being.
Personal Growth: Embracing uncertainty and stepping outside your comfort zone fosters personal growth. When you release control, you give yourself the opportunity to learn, evolve, and discover new aspects of your capabilities.
Enhanced Relationships: Trying to control every aspect of your life can also extend to your relationships. Allowing others the space to be themselves, respecting their autonomy, and trusting them can strengthen interpersonal connections and foster healthier relationships.
Increased Creativity: When you release control, you open yourself up to new ideas and possibilities. Creativity often flourishes in an environment where you are willing to explore the unknown and take risks.
Embracing Imperfection: Nobody is perfect, and life is full of uncertainties. Releasing control allows you to accept imperfections, both in yourself and in others. This acceptance can lead to a more compassionate and realistic view of life.
Increased Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. When you release control, you develop resilience by learning to navigate and overcome obstacles, which ultimately makes you stronger and more capable of handling future difficulties.
Freedom and Enjoyment: Constantly trying to control every detail of your life can be exhausting. Letting go allows you to experience a sense of freedom and enjoy the present moment without being burdened by excessive worries about the future.
While it’s essential to have some level of control over certain aspects of your life, finding a balance and learning to let go when necessary can lead to a more enriching and fulfilling life.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Oct 11, 2022 |
Both SUCCESS and Happiness is a choice to deeply love yourself. You can not have one without the other.
It’s a choice to be disciplined in a certain kind of way of your being.
Like simply being honest about what you came here for and what lights you up.
Your happiness starts right now, in this present moment, exactly where you are right now.
Whether you are 63, 33, or 17, this means the past is gone and you only have the now. You are on the path of dream life and here to enjoy the planet.
You are not here to self-sacrifice yourself for others.
That means you are wealthy. If you’re not wealthy, you are in a blocked place of abundance. You have not because you ask not. You want a lot but are you expecting A LOT. It’s like wanting to open up a car dealership but you only have one car and you keep accepting that, when Lord knows you need multiple cars and a lot to run a respectable, successful car dealership.
What stopping you from having A LOT OF CARS for sale?
Today is your day to show up as the new you. Do NOT take the old version of yourself with you. Let them go. They did what they could and got you thus far.
This new you requires a different level of faith, action, desire, belief, boldness and acceptance.
This one requires the audacity to be mthfkn rich, healthy, and wealthy right now.
God showed me today how everyone is running towards this invisible place.
But the proper place is where you are right now, in this moment. You have the power to call whatever you desire to you.
A very beautiful portal is open to you now. The one Abraham always spoke to Esther about. The one where all of your good is stored up
Some of you can feel it, some people can’t. If you can’t keep doing the work or get a mentor. For those who can feel it, your time is now, the moment you waited for. All signs point to YES. The doors are open for miracles.
What miracles are you expecting in the next 30 Days?
Can you feel the words of the frequency?
Is the vision super clear?
Chances are it always was, and you were waiting till everything matched up and aligned properly, instead of DECIDING to let God go ahead of you and do his thing, as he foretold in Malachi 3:1 and Mark 1:3… This time the portal is a bit wider and a bit brighter. God wants you to SEE it so that you walk in today.
How do you know it’s your time? Usually you pack huge suitcases, 🧳 containers and other heavy items.
You may even pack a few memories. A little bit of pain and a little bit of joy.
This time it’s VIP. That means you’ll need space. Period.
So God has taken some things and people out of your life. Now you can make decisions easier without overthinking.
You have less negative energy, less limited beliefs, less control issues, less health issues, less discipline issues, less overthinking, less doubt, less fear, less pain, and you sin against yourself less.
You have already become more and will continue to be.
This is the moment you have prepared for. You are worthy.
Things are now easier for you. You are heavy in the game. You put in the work.
Yes. I am talking to you.
God has made your paths smooth and straight. He had to. The King must always look good and make space for himself.
In the past, you tried to go at it alone. Praise God Hallelujah that you woke up from that.
The heavenly realm and all of your guardian angels appreciate you and are assisting you in accessing your next level NOW.
Stay focused on your alignment.
We are proud of you.
God loves you.
You are loved. 💖✨🙏
Stay prayed up. It works, just like you do. 😜
P.S. Success requires a team. I am my client’s secret weapon in uncovering limiting beliefs and quickly ascending into higher manifested realms of wealth, love, opulence and luxury. My clients report their will to stay motivated to keep going, vibrational increases, opportunities and money landing in their lap, feeling at peace, actually being understood, learning to trust, opening up their heart to receive real love, motivation to work out, having a highly successful businesses without anxiety, stress or overwhelm.
Working with The Goddess of Love & Motivation allows you to tap into more fun, money, love and joy. Period. Not to mention you’ll start attracting all of these attractive, sexy, successful, high vibe people in your life and feel closer to God.
We’re talking 5D conversations.
But you don’t take your own word for it, here are The Goddess of Love & Motivation reviews in other people’s words.
Feel me? Join The Manifestation Secret Garden for heart-centered, super kind, chill, go with the flow, genius, loving souls who would love a private container where you are able to grow into the authentic version of yourself, love life, enjoy your massive success, help others, attract soulmates, gain clarity, change the world and feel good.

All while you live the best life ever, be dripped in luxury, and abundance in every part of life.
How would you like to feel more LOVE in your life, effortlessly?
The Manifestation Secret Garden is the purest and most powerful love container in the world. A real safe place. Where you get to breathe and be you. Where your life become a vacation. 💖✨😘
This is about removing the belief that you are stuck or can’t. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible and available to you now.
What are you choosing?
Ready to live the vacation life of your dreams, constantly on the beach with your soulmate?
Inside the tribe we show you how to implement a soul aligned system to embody the manifestation of everything you desire into the now.
It comes when it’s YOU being YOU, and not a moment before .
I help you feel good enough for that vortex to open now. You don’t have to wait for a vortex to appear. You can always create your own.
When you stop focusing on what is missing, you will receive all of those things, plus more by understanding that God has already delivert! Next!
Listen, everyone is where they are on their/your particular journey. There is always someone available on the same path.
It’s okay to work on worthiness of allowing love in NOW, in this moment.
Dream Life starts now.
God provides at all times. Know your numbers.
One mustn’t be the kind who knows the price of everything and the cost of nothing.
Oscar Wilde once said that “A fool is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing“.
You deserve God’s help now in being the person who attracts great love and abundance into your life, in ways you’ve never imagined.
Expansion! Let’s go into the unknown.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jun 16, 2022 |
Some people aren’t celebrating you because you aren’t celebrating yourself on the level that God called you to vibrate on.
Placing blame outside of yourself, is not the way of the genius. When you shift your beliefs in alignment with the things your soul desires, you will manifest them effortlessly.
Send me a message to gain clarity on your next level.
The Real Reason People Don’t Celebrate You – It’s Not What You Think
The real reason people don’t celebrate you is because you’re operating below your soul frequency. You’re an EAGLE trying to hang with birds.
Now an eagle and a parrot are both classified as birds. A parrot can even be beautiful and talk to you. But a parrot, nor a sparrow can fly at the speed of great heights that an eagle can climb to alone.
I know you want to help the birds and inspire the birds. You’ve done a great job. You’ve planted so many seeds. You watered them 20 times over already. It’s okay to step away and allow those seeds to grow on their own, without you.
Imagine yourself letting go of their hand, trusting that they will figure it out.
What are ways to celebrate yourself?

When was the last time that you were so focused on YOU, and felt so proud of YOU that you through yourself a birthday party?
Everyone wants entry to a celebrity birthday party.
At other times, a nerd is not respected in a gun fight. Everyone simply isn’t into spirituality, acceleration, manifestation, God or greatness. Just because someone meets you doesn’t mean they are apart of your tribe.
How To Build a Successful Writing Business, Even If You Don’t Have An Audience
It’s okay to let go and vibe high. It’s okay to limit people’s access to you. It’s okay to practice what you preach. It’s even okay to leave people behind.
When you constantly hang out with people who can not receive at your level and feed back into you with joy and purpose this can cause you to lack gratitude for your own contributions to the world. Therefore you don’t celebrate yourself.
When you love and celebrate yourself by simply being YOUR HIGHEST SELF, you will be recognized in the presence of Kings & Queens.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Aug 12, 2021 |
Today is the day that it dawned on me, that there are several ways to become a motivational speaker. Everyone has their own craft and the way they’ll do it best.
But one thing for certain, in order to be the greatest at it, that means you have to get paid for it.
Jay Z & Beyonce are two of the greatest motivational speakers in the world. They get paid an immensely beautiful amount of money for it. Their weapon of choice is their music; excuse me, I mean tools of healing vessel is their music. One wakes up the women, the other wakes up the men.
If you listen to both, maybe you too can be a power couple..
Anyway they’ve been dropping mics for a long time. Some of you are simply failing students, while others are grade A students.
Personally, I promise from this day forward, to be a better student. 💖💘
Would you like to have an indepth conversation about this? Join my personal network of fulfilling, relaxing conversations where we can talking about anything you like. I tend to like talking about IDEAS, therefore my clients are rich. If they are not rich when I meet them, they most surely quantum leap into BEING it.
I’m not much into talking about what other people are doing. I prefer to stimulate your mind with divine ideas.
When was the last time you received a message from God?
The God within me, invites you in to chat.
What are you waiting for?
Click here to fill out an application to mastermind with Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece – The Goddess of Love & Motivation. 💜
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Aug 13, 2020 |
You can’t buy anything with a penny these days, but if you put 15 pennies together, you can buy a ticket to an AMC movie.
The nation’s largest movie theater chain, AMC Theatres, will reopen this month with throwback ticket prices of only 15 cents.
AMC will open 100 theaters, about one-sixth of its U.S. locations, Aug. 20 with the one-day special ticket pricing promotion “Movies in 2020 at 1920 Prices.”
This is absolutely the best news I’ve heard all day. Even though technically, nothing beats out the laugh I got from watching Lil Boosie go from telling a chick to put it on the glass, to begging Mark Zuckerberg to reinstate his instagram account.
I hope MEN take advantage of this shift and take a woman to the movies. August 20th is officially take a woman to the movie’s day. IF you want to get out of the house. #KissySaid
All too often women haven’t been to the movies in years. All too often romance and producing good memories in a woman starts with something simple like taking her to the movies. It’s something that charming men tend to do.
Will you be going to the movies on August 20th? How many girls do you have to choose from?
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Sep 16, 2019 |
I love everyone, except basic bitches.
WHY is that? Because man, all my life I’ve had to fight. Fight against basic bitches. They make life hard for those who want to do something with their lives.
You can always leave it up to a basic b*tch to shoot down whatever positive, motivational, non-basic thing someone wants to do. A basic b*tch is known for telling you to be basic. Like telling a sophisticated barbie chick, that she’s materialistic cause she likes Chanel and Loubutins. Meanwhile, basic b*tch will be walking around in ugly azz Ugg boots, trying to get you to spend $55 bucks, on some basic, cheap azz, polyester bag, that she’s selling on her basic azz website. Basic b*tches are annoying AF, and super judgmental.

Basic b*tches talk so badly about go getters. They are the world’s biggest dream killers. Always telling someone what they can’t do, and trying to drag you into being as simple, basic, and plain as possible. These bi*tches actually leave the house in a t-shirt, and leggings on a daily basis. They own more sandals than they do high heel shoes. Men don’t gawk at them at all. They all blend in and swear that makes them a more valuable woman.

Don’t let them walk in the PINK store to buy an outfit or get them a lil Michael Kors purse. Ohhhh, she thinks she’s stunting hard.
Basic b*tches were the girls in high school would tease you if they learned that you had any kind of sex that wasn’t missionary position in a comfy bed.
Half the time a basic b*tch will even brag that she doesn’t give blowjobs. Basic b*tches take mad pride in being a basic azz mate. They convince you to sexually repress yourself and stop exploring. Yet, let the cable guy tell a basic b*tch that she’s cute. Hubby will be off to work, working hard to provide and there she goes on the living room couch, with her sexually repressed azz, getting her back blown out by the cable guy, with dirty hands, or polishing off her male co-worker in the bathroom at the job, all because he called her cute. 👀 That’s all it takes to impress her.
Basic bishes love attention that comes with $0 and no progression. She’s more turned on by other men, than she is by her own husband. Cause her basic azz brain, married a man she wasn’t all that attracted to in the first place. So she treats him like a basic dude. But thinks the cable guy is hot sh*t. 🤣 Basic B*tches are dumb AF!

Basic b*tches hate actual pretty women with a passion. They can’t stand to see your pretty azz walking through the door. Her shoulders slump, and she starts talking under her breath, hating and throwing shade upon sight of you. Then you walk up saying hello to her dusty, simple, hating azz, just so you can watch her sour face turn into a fake smile.
I can’t tell you how often men are walking with me and see a chick who gets a sour face upon sight of me. B*tch be so sour she can’t even hide it. We laugh so hard. Face be like, “How dare this bish look this good? How dare this bish wear that outfit. Who does she think she is to parade around, not blending in.”
And of course I sashay!

Meanwhile when us lights see each other we smile at each other like “Hey Girl!“
Basic b*tches also hate nerds. They despise nerds. That’s the other level of basic though. Those are the people who were popular in high school, all fashionably dressed alike, and all set at the lunch table together. They too grew up to be basic af, living highly basic lives. Even the most promising ones. It’s quite interesting.
In high school I dressed like the cool kids, cause I’m one for fashion, fabulosity, fun and looking good too. Yet, I sat with the weirdos at lunch, cause lets face it; they were real humans to me. I felt a closer connection to them and they read books, like me. The cool kids would always ask why I hung with the “losers.” The “losers” just so happened to be smart AF, could actually hold an articulate conversation and type at least 35 wpm. We didn’t spend time gossiping about people, nor did we smoke our lives away. We talked about things, love ideas and joined the damn debate team.
As an adult I continued to walk a fine line between the cool kid world and the geek world. But the truth is team basic got a hold of me and I conformed a little, to make money. I had an opinion, then I didn’t have an opinion, and maybe I was about to settle for a decent life, where I simply dumbed myself down in order to get along with others. I remember back when I publicly admitted my brilliant ideas, team basic would come trying to tear me down. I even started to believe that I was LUCKY to make 6 figures.
Lucky cause their basic azzes surely don’t make no where near it.
I let team basic rock me to sleep. Then I woke up, and stepped my 7-figure game up. Now I am surrounded by Team Takeover the F*CKING world. I have to say f*cking cause they go hard with personality and grit. It’s won’t stop, don’t stop. I attract the most brilliant people in the world. It’s so fun to finally meet your soul family and feel at home again. To hold conversations and just be able to talk, and be normal, instead of saying things like “no, don’t say this or that. Such and such will be offended. You know you gotta let people stay dumb,” or dealing with people who you can only show them one part of your personality, and blah, blah, blah. Your soul family gives you so much love and allows you to be more of love.
Now, I even get to see the brilliance of my own conversation and see how talking to me is like getting access to your own personal computer that will tell you exactly how to manifest your dream life. At least that’s the way my soulmate client Iesha describes me.
Team basic would’ve never allowed me to see my true value. Let alone value the life changing information that I’ve acquired. Ohhhhh, and don’t let Team Basic know that you charge for your information. Ohhhhhh they want to scream to high heaven about how wrong you are for charging for your gifts and time. Team Basic is quick to tell you to humble yourself and be poor. Team basic stays thinking they are fancy, meanwhile have basic azz beliefs and thoughts like the rest of society. They stay settling for less and believe you should too. Oh and don’t let Team Basic see you hanging with new people who are thought provoking. They will talk bad about them and try to dissuade you from being friends with them.
When I get new clients, often-times they are afraid to tell me their dreams. They think their dreams sound crazy. Because team basic told them that trying to build a 7 Figure business that serves thousands of people was insane. Team basic will have you thinking you’re crazy and have you ignoring the urges of your soul.
While I awakened, cause God told me that it was time, just think about how many souls went to sleep on their dreams cause team basic b*tch teased them for trying to be and do more. How dare you think you’re going to fly to the moon and be an astronaut, or become the hottest chick in the game.
You gotta stay away from basic b*tches. They aren’t good for anyone. Especially not men, a basic b*tch will tell a man she will accept a $25 engagement ring, cause money isn’t everything, even though he has on a $200 pair of Air Jordans. He’ll think that’s so sweet, but her no-value having azz will slow down the progression of his kingdom, and have him living a basic azz life. Nothing propels a man like wanting to provide something for his woman. MAGIC happens when he has this desire. It’s why God created woman. Most men who marry basic b*tches end up living in mediocrity, while thinking they are living the good life.
A brilliant man can’t mastermind with a basic b*tch because the b*tch doesn’t have any good, prosperous, ideas. She barely understands him. She doesn’t even come up with ideas to motivate him and keep him excited about the journey. She’s more of a headache and energy leech, than she is a muse.
Other times a basic b*tch will ruin a good man’s plans cause all she cares about is partying, getting high all the time, and doing the same basic sh*t that she sees everyone else do. Her best turn up is in Miami, on a tight budget, while the rest of us are like “Dude, take me to a private island.” Or she thinks having a passport is life, but she can’t speak life into anyone.
Basic b*tches don’t appreciate anything good. And they are definitely not about to lock themselves in the house to read books and sh*t. Oh and don’t talk bad about basic b*tches, cause even though they hate on you, and try to kill your dreams, it’s you who is the bad person.
The world would seriously end, and not much would be created if we ever let basic b*tches be in charge. Thank God for Goddesses. They inspire the world.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Aug 6, 2019 |
by Site Admin | Mar 23, 2016 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet tellus nec diam vulputate feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ac porta ante. Duis cursus ligula nec turpis ultricies feugiat a eget libero. Suspendisse non eros sit amet neque porta convallis quis id turpis. Duis feugiat neque id pulvinar facilisis. Integer purus neque, ultricies aliquam nibh in, cursus vehicula orci. Nulla eget aliquam eros. Pellentesque a neque orci. Sed eu sapien augue. Vestibulum lacus erat, rhoncus luctus pharetra eu, accumsan et elit. Vivamus sollicitudin turpis at mauris feugiat faucibus. Vivamus at lacinia urna, vel dictum odio praesent eu libero a ante egestas.