Beautiful women belong with rich men who love you & invest in you

by | Love & Relationships

If you want to have a happy marriage, or a healthy, loving relationship,  and to be a happy, then you as a beautiful Goddess must be honest with yourself.  What is it that you truly want? How did you imagine your life to be? Beautiful women belong with rich men who love you & invest in you. Otherwise you’re either alone, giving to YOURSELF, or settling for less, being drained by a man incapable of meeting your greatest desires. I posted this on Facebook..

50/50 men drain your soul

What I noticed about many men who have a DESIRE to be rich, but aren’t, is that they value the energy of everything and everyone, except feminine energy. In order to gain wealth they invest their energy, money and resources into: – a job – other men – a business – traveling – a car – jewelry – video games What I noticed about a lot of wealthy men is that they invest a lot of time and resources into women. For instance, I’ve had at least 3 black men invest a few thousand dollars a piece into me the last year, without expecting anything in return from me. All of these men are aware of my mission and support it. WHY? Because they are high value men who know the importance of having a Goddess in their lives. They are aware that they benefit from my energy and divine knowledge. Here is the problem with the first group of men. Until a man DECIDES to commit to a woman, he won’t be able to provide for her. In order for most men to actually walk into wealth, he must have a desire to PROVIDE for his woman. This hidden is programmed into the Universe. It’s Yin and Yang. Balanced energies. It’s divine masculine and divine feminine when a couple both have their energies balanced. Such an act takes a great deal of commitment to the union. I’m not with the men who’ve feed into me, but what they do is believe in a woman’s vision and send her finances to feed into her security. The Universe then blesses him with more abundance and riches. They do this as they patiently wait for their Goddess to show up. Some already have a Goddess and simply support the nurturing of other Goddesses. These men also often provide for their family members. This is all no coincidence. Meanwhile, other men have a belief that they need to get their money lined up before they commit to a woman.This is true to certain extent, but what’s the definition of lined up? Most of those men don’t have a certain dollar amount in mind. If they did, they could launch a product online and make 6 figures within 30-90 Days. If they invested into smart women, chances are, one of them would tell him that. Kind of selfish and self centered to go into a situation expecting and not offering much Your thoughts of a woman are a reflection of yourself love. If you have nothing to offer a woman, you feel that women have nothing to offer. I have a lot to offer, therefore I attract both men and women who have a lot to offer. This post triggers your selfishness and your habit of only focusing on what you can get from a person, instead of what you can give a worthy woman. It would be wise to surrender to LOVE. I went to his profile: About him – uses the word HUSTLE – says he looking for someone to BUILD with – posts photos of other people’s fancy luxury automobiles – wears air force ones He’s not a dumb man or a bad guy. He’s full of God and gratitude. He truly believes he’s doing his best. But his mindset is seeking what a woman can DO for him, without realizing what a woman actually DOES. His mindset does not attract high value women. Therefore he doesn’t realize that the only women who would be sexually attracted to him are low value women who have no value of their own sexual energy. I.E. a WORTHLESS woman.


So his judgements are now based upon the women he attracts, which is based upon the ENERGY he puts out, and his belief system. This cycle will continue for him and he’s in his 40’s, working a 9-5. I love to love and the goals is to find a love that reciprocates what you have to offer. I did a podcast about this topic. Listen Below 

If you want to have a happy marriage, or a healthy, loving relationship,  and to be a happy, then you as a beautiful Goddess must be honest with yourself.  What is it that you truly want? How did you imagine your life to be? Beautiful women belong with rich men who love you & invest in you. Otherwise you’re either alone, giving to YOURSELF, or settling for less, being drained by a man incapable of meeting your greatest desires. I posted this on Facebook..

50/50 men drain your soul

What I noticed about many men who have a DESIRE to be rich, but aren’t, is that they value the energy of everything and everyone, except feminine energy. In order to gain wealth they invest their energy, money and resources into: – a job – other men – a business – traveling – a car – jewelry – video games What I noticed about a lot of wealthy men is that they invest a lot of time and resources into women. For instance, I’ve had at least 3 black men invest a few thousand dollars a piece into me the last year, without expecting anything in return from me. All of these men are aware of my mission and support it. WHY? Because they are high value men who know the importance of having a Goddess in their lives. They are aware that they benefit from my energy and divine knowledge. Here is the problem with the first group of men. Until a man DECIDES to commit to a woman, he won’t be able to provide for her. In order for most men to actually walk into wealth, he must have a desire to PROVIDE for his woman. This hidden is programmed into the Universe. It’s Yin and Yang. Balanced energies. It’s divine masculine and divine feminine when a couple both have their energies balanced. Such an act takes a great deal of commitment to the union. I’m not with the men who’ve feed into me, but what they do is believe in a woman’s vision and send her finances to feed into her security. The Universe then blesses him with more abundance and riches. They do this as they patiently wait for their Goddess to show up. Some already have a Goddess and simply support the nurturing of other Goddesses. These men also often provide for their family members. This is all no coincidence. Meanwhile, other men have a belief that they need to get their money lined up before they commit to a woman.This is true to certain extent, but what’s the definition of lined up? Most of those men don’t have a certain dollar amount in mind. If they did, they could launch a product online and make 6 figures within 30-90 Days. If they invested into smart women, chances are, one of them would tell him that. Kind of selfish and self centered to go into a situation expecting and not offering much Your thoughts of a woman are a reflection of yourself love. If you have nothing to offer a woman, you feel that women have nothing to offer. I have a lot to offer, therefore I attract both men and women who have a lot to offer. This post triggers your selfishness and your habit of only focusing on what you can get from a person, instead of what you can give a worthy woman. It would be wise to surrender to LOVE. I went to his profile: About him – uses the word HUSTLE – says he looking for someone to BUILD with – posts photos of other people’s fancy luxury automobiles – wears air force ones He’s not a dumb man or a bad guy. He’s full of God and gratitude. He truly believes he’s doing his best. But his mindset is seeking what a woman can DO for him, without realizing what a woman actually DOES. His mindset does not attract high value women. Therefore he doesn’t realize that the only women who would be sexually attracted to him are low value women who have no value of their own sexual energy. I.E. a WORTHLESS woman.


So his judgements are now based upon the women he attracts, which is based upon the ENERGY he puts out, and his belief system. This cycle will continue for him and he’s in his 40’s, working a 9-5. I love to love and the goals is to find a love that reciprocates what you have to offer. I did a podcast about this topic. Listen Below 
