by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jan 22, 2025 |
Saw this woman about 7 months ago announce that she’d hit 7 figures in her business, and she wrote a post telling her “future husband” that she’s going to be a great business partner for him.
At the time I said nothing… But in my head I was like “Awwwwe. poor baby.. She’s actually thinks that post will attract a King in her life.”
I wanted so badly to comment and tell her the post probably wouldn’t attract the kind of man she wants.
But spirit was like “Goddess. Stay out of non-client business.” I’d already offered her my services and she declined… Honestly it seemed like she was anxious to show me that she didn’t need me…
She found a guy and started posting “couples” photos. It was “bae,” this and “bae” that. All of her followers were like “Yes, Boss Lady! You finding love is so inspiring.”
Later she posted about helping her “boyfriend” build his business to 6 figures, and ended up catching him cheating in the car with another woman…. Chick was on his lap riding and everything, right there in the parking lot…
On Facebook I see many women makes these posts begging men to come “wife” her because she’s going to be a good business partner… (Advertising to get used) Or the women who advertise who they don’t need luxury or anything else from a man, claiming they simply want “love, attention and time.” I smh at these pick me videos that men are so quick to share. Because most men of course want a woman who is sleep, is honest about her desires and is willing to settle for less, only to later be disappointed in him, cause she magically thought he was going to level up and give her her secret desires.
Anyway, back to the story. High Value Men are looking for a feminine partner… Not a business partner. He can get a male business partner.
He wants his woman to have feminine qualities to offer him…
Honestly, ya’ll would be better off advertising blowjobs.
I learned my lesson about thinking my brilliance and success in business plus my good looks was my bragging point for relationships.
Now all I offer a man is my beauty and feminine essence. Everything else he receives will come as a surprise, after getting to know me. There is no need to advertise anything else… Because if he can’t feel her feminine essence and energy simply in her being, he’s unable to emotionally connect to her. Which means everything else that you offer now doesn’t count.
Which is why most women can not get a high value man who provides. Men provide for women with feminine energy. Women who can receive from him.
A high value man’s dick does not get hard at the thought of marrying you cause you say you would make a good business partner.
Any man who responds to that request is going to d*ck you down real good, have you going 50/50 and running his business while he spends money on the side chick. And the side chick won’t have a quarter of your brain or power. It will leave you confused.
You want a man who values your brilliance and business skillsl. But first you must have something to offer him that he feels his valuable….
My question is why do such women choose to ignore feminine advice, level up advice and literally any advice that will help her soften her feminine essence and attract a King into her life?
I’ll get to that answer… But first I look back at myself and I ignored feminine advice in the past, before I shifted into divine feminine Goddess embodiment, because I would see the most unattractive women teaching femininity. They would always say why pretty women couldn’t get or keep a man. And that didn’t resonate with me because I never had a problem getting or keeping a man.
In fact, I’ve never been dumped. Despite that, I ended up breaking up with one of my soulmates and broke my own heart. I asked myself “Why do I keep dumping men?” Men want to marry me and everything. They are willing to give me exactly what I want. They even spoil me, cook for me, take me out nice places and buy me nice things.
In my exploration I began to understand purpose, alignment, clarity and most of all femininity. I realized that I was a perfectionist and put a lot of pressure on those around me to be perfect… I also talked recklessly at times and emasculated men.
Anyway I received divine feminine coaching and magically I started to attract men who would tell me that I have “wife energy.” But that’s a different conversation and a level of embodiment that most women simply will never have, because it requires a ton of inner and outer work.
When a successful, intelligent woman ignores wisdom that’s all over social media telling her to tune into her femininity, this points to a larger issue about conditioning, misalignment, and misunderstanding feminine power.
Here’s why some women struggle to embrace the advice that would truly help them level up:
1. Societal Conditioning & Overemphasis on Achievement
- Many women are raised to believe their value is tied to their achievements…. Education, career success, and accolades. They’re taught that being “independent” and showing they can “hold their own” will earn them love and respect.
- Not only does this make most successful women believe they are better than drop dead gorgeous women who have “nothing to offer, but nice IG pics.. But this mindset also pushes them into their masculine energy, where they lead with doing, proving, and building, instead of resting in their essence.
- DOING and pushing seems natural and norm.. She believes working harder means she’s worthy…
- Many successful women genuinely believe that advertising their business skills or financial contributions will attract a high-value man, not realizing this often repels Kings who seek softness, love, and peace.
Listen, even me on social media, I’m like “Hey.. I keep running my platform trying to level women up, as a sacrifice to myself.. Even this post, me helping women again, when i could totally be spending my time doing something that will attract high value men to me.
2. Fear of Vulnerability
- Embracing feminine energy requires trusting, receiving, and surrendering. This starts with trusting GOD and trusting yourself. Concepts that can feel foreign or even unsafe to women who’ve been burned in relationships or told to “never depend on a man, and know that the bible says “faith without works is dead” Relaxing, trusting, learning back. letting go and letting GOD just doesn’t seem like a real path to her.
- Many women feel that leading with their feminine energy leaves them vulnerable to being hurt, used, or undervalued, so they overcompensate by trying to control the dynamic with their masculine traits. And this is totally understandable because the truth is men do like women who have their own money and women who don’t need them.. (To a degree… what I said isn’t surface. Surface cause most women don’t know how to receive from a man, which makes her not a choice for a viable mate.)
3. Misunderstanding “Value”
- These women equate their worth with what they can do for a man, not who they are as a woman.
- They believe offering their business savvy or financial contributions is what will make a man commit, when in reality, a man of means already values those qualities in himself and doesn’t need them in a partner. His woman has to bring something else that he values.
4. Insecurity & Lack of Self-Worth
- Deep down, many women who lead with “I’m a great business partner” or “I’ll build him up” don’t feel their feminine essence alone is enough. And it’s not… Cause again, it requires vulnerability and the willingness to be seen, Naked…
- They’ve never been taught to trust that their softness, radiance, beauty, and presence are the most valuable things they can offer the right man. Again, most women don’t have softness, radiance, beauty, nor presence… Yet darn there every woman thinks she does, due to filters.. But in person, she doesn’t look soft and radiant at all. The difference is the women who are drop dead gorgeous in real life, have that going for them… But that doesn’t mean she still isn’t secure and lacks self-worth. Anybody can get the work!
5. Lack of Representation
- Many women don’t see examples of what it looks like to embody Divine Feminine energy while maintaining independence and success.
- They assume it’s an either/or choice: either I’m a powerhouse businesswoman, or I’m a soft feminine Goddess.
Without role models or mentors who live in harmony between the two, they stick to what they know — masculine energy… because it feels safer.
But i find this weird because those who follow me know that I am the embodiment of both. But I guess many don’t see that being a reality for them, because unlike them, I really did that inner work… I had the outer work on lock over a decade ago, and the success tooo. But thankfully I knew to not stop there.
Most successful women literally stopped at the success part. They skipped health, beauty, femininity, relationship mastery and everything else.
WHY? Because our society puts so much pressure on us to succeed. So of course one would believe that success and money is all they need to be worthy of having a great mate. Yet what’s interesting is that to those very same women, some of them have met met with money and deemed his not good enough, because his character and social skills sucked.
But because she deems herself to be a “nice” giving woman, along with success, she believes she is the ultimate mate. Never once thinking that maybe she is missing the attributes that good men look for.
Even down to cooking…. Like most successful women know they run from the kitchen. A man can’t even get a hot home cooked meal out of her.
Successful women are simply behind in relationships…
- Women who struggle with this don’t always realize they’re in their masculine energy or sabotaging their relationships.
- There is a difference between leading with your essence vs. leading with your résumé. Understanding this shift can change everything. the Solution
Sis, he doesn’t care how many degrees you have, how many zeros are in your bank account, or what you can build with him. High-value men are drawn to your softness, your joy, your essence. Because those are things he can’t buy or build on his own.
Those are the things most of the women he meets doesn’t have. Feminine energy is the key to unlocking the relationship you desire. Once you have that, add your success and baby you are unstoppable!
- What’s Possible: Imagine a man who worships the ground you walk on. Not because you built something for him, but because your presence alone inspires him to be more, do more, and give more. That’s what happens when you master your feminine energy.This allows a man to actually be a leader and a King for you, vs you trying to coddle him and take care of him like you’re the alpha in the
relationship.. You finally get to relax and be a woman who is covered… Seriously, imagine that.
- Many women don’t listen to advice about softening their essence because they feel judged or attacked. Being told you’re imperfect definitely doesn’t feel good. But let’s face the truth.. Pain is often your awakening.. Cause when things are soft, easy and breezy you often ignore it, cause you have a belief that things must be hard in order for it to be worth anything, including yourself and your love life.
Just think.. When has love ever been easy for you?
I get it. You’ve worked hard to become the powerhouse you are, and you want a man who values your brilliance. The truth is, a high-value man will admire all of that, but what makes him commit is how you make him feel. Feminine energy is your superpower, and when you embody it, you’ll never feel like you have to prove your worth again.
Not even in business… I went from trying to prove myself in business to finally releasing, leaning back and saying “Hey. If they miss out that’s on them.” Those same people who miss out end up paying another coach thousands and still don’t get results.
Maybe that’s their path to waste $50K, before they realize they should’ve came to you… But you could’ve saved them time and money, by simply owning your worth and charging $50K for your services in the first place…. Cause honey offering your services and magic for $3,000 seems way to good to be true… Which is why she didn’t buy from you… But notice she bought from others… Many others… Peep game.
- I am the embodiment of the balance between success and feminine energy. Leading with my essence has allowed me to attract abundance, opportunities, connections, and soul aligned relationships.
The Root of Your Resistance
Women ignore feminine advice because they’ve been conditioned to value masculine traits over feminine ones. They see their feminine side as weak, unimportant, or unworthy of love.
When realize your brilliance and your beauty can coexist in harmony, you’ll start to see the path to attracting the King you desire.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jan 21, 2025 |
Attracting a high-value man isn’t about chasing or pleading for his attention. It’s about becoming the woman who is magnetic, so aligned with her own vision and power that he can’t help but be drawn to her.
I’ve experienced relationships where men gave, loved, and provided abundantly. But here’s the truth I’ve learned: even the best love can’t fill the space where alignment with your highest self should be. A high-value man will honor you, support your dreams, and match your energy. But you have to first be fully aligned with who you are and what you want in life.
One time I was dating a high value man who was amazing in every sense of the word. If he flew me somewhere he would pull clothes and shoes for me out of nowhere or have them in the closet or in the room when I walked in. There would be purses, coats, earrings, literally whatever i needed to match the fit, plus many other things.
Attracting a high-value man is about aligning with your highest self. When you step into your true power and embrace your divine feminine energy, love and success flow to you effortlessly. High-value relationships are based on mutual respect, shared vision, and energetic alignment. If you’re ready to align with a soul-aligned partner, it starts with embracing your magnetic energy.
He once said to me, “The difference between you and this other women Kissy, is that you pulled me right into what you were doing, without you asking. I see what you’re doing and believe in you. I want to make your dreams come true.”
He then proceeded to do so… I swear that man did more for me in two months, than some men had done with that time in two years of being with a woman.
He also told me that women before me weren’t ready to receive from him at the level that he gives. For a high value man who understands women, this is his norm.
When you’re fully aligned with your highest self, your energy becomes magnetic. You don’t have to chase love or success, it comes to you effortlessly.
Find a man who worships you and it’s and easy win.
Are you ready to step into your highest self and align with the man who matches your energy? Let’s talk about how we can make that happen.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jan 15, 2025 |
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Nov 10, 2024 |
In the journey of personal development, the relationships we choose play pivotal roles. Particularly in intimate relationships, the choice of partner can significantly amplify or impede our growth. What most people will tell you is to stop trying to change people. But ultimately what I realize is that many people are ending up in relationships with people who don’t want to grow.
It’s not that you shouldn’t try to change people. The real problem is those who really want to grow and develop themselves are mating with those who don’t seek to grow and those who don’t like hearing the truth about themselves, even if it’s said in kindness.
Cause any sensible person who wants to reach the top, would be grateful to have a mate next to them who can reflect their greatness back to them and tell them what their blindspots are.
In other ways YES you should accept people as they are, noting that some things people do not want to change.” ~ Kissy Denise
When you find yourself with people who refuse to grow, it’s a sign of misalignment.
This isn’t just about finding someone who shares your interests or life goals, but about connecting with someone who is as committed to personal growth as you are.
The Challenge of Mismatched Growth Ambitions
It’s a common scenario: one partner is deeply invested in personal development, constantly learning, evolving, and striving to be better, while the other remains content with the status quo. This mismatch can lead to frustration, as one person feels held back, and the other feels unnecessarily pressured. The truth is, not everyone has the same appetite for personal development, and that’s okay. But for those who do value growth, having a partner who mirrors that value can be transformative.
The Value of a Growth-Minded Partner
Imagine having someone who not only supports your dreams but also pushes you towards your greatest potential. A partner who can lovingly point out your blind spots, not to criticize, but to help you evolve. This kind of relationship can be a powerhouse for personal transformation. Here’s why choosing a growth-minded partner is so crucial:
- Feedback and Insight: A growth-oriented partner offers more than just comfort; they provide valuable insights into yourself and how you can improve. This feedback is crucial for anyone looking to ascend to their highest self.
- Motivation and Support: On days when your motivation wanes, a partner who values growth can inspire you to keep moving forward. Their drive can reignite your own, making it easier to overcome obstacles and stay on track.
- Shared Journey of Improvement: When both partners are committed to growth, the journey becomes a shared one. This can deepen the bond, as you evolve not just side by side but together.
- Enhanced Communication: Growth-oriented relationships often involve higher levels of communication. Discussing each other’s paths and progress involves vulnerability and trust, which are the bedrocks of a strong relationship.
Accepting Each Other As You Are
While it’s beneficial to be with someone who embraces growth, it’s equally important to accept that some aspects of a person may never change—and that’s okay. True acceptance means loving someone as they are, even if they decide not to engage in the journey of personal development as deeply as you do. What many married women find is that when they start on their own personal development journey, without pressuring their husband, he suddenly hops on board after seeing her growth.
Conclusion: The Ideal Partnership
For those of us dedicated to personal and spiritual growth, finding a partner who not only understands but shares our commitment can be a game-changer. Such a partnership doesn’t just add to our lives; it multiplies our potential. It’s about more than just being in love. It’s about being in a relationship that continually inspires and transforms, helping each person become not only what they want to be but more than they thought they could be. This is why I teach SOULMATE relationships… They are both deeply loving and growth vortexes. Its the best of both worlds.
If you find yourself constantly trying to inspire change in a partner who isn’t interested, it may be time to ask whether you’re truly accepting them as they are or if you’re holding onto a wish for them to be different. Remember, everyone’s growth journey is personal, and while we can support and encourage our partners, choosing someone who already aligns with our values and vision can lead to a much more fulfilling and empowering relationship.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to BALANCE. Everything is about balance. This means that you would be wise to learn how to vet better.
See, ending up in the wrong relationship, or not knowing how to maintain a healthy relationship has so many different nuances. You never know exactly what’s going on in your particular case until you speak with an enlightened professional. one on one.
For women who read this, just know there is another level to this. Many women MOTHER men which is the main problem when ti comes to trying to change him. This comes off as masculine energy… The key is to inspire him to grow.
Book a session to discus.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Nov 3, 2024 |
A comment from one of my male blog readers inspired this blog.

In the world of dating, many women focus on attracting the right partner. They invest in their appearance, work on their confidence, and learn the tricks of how to catch a man’s eye. And while attraction is an essential part of the dating journey, it’s only half the story. Keeping a meaningful connection alive—one that leads to a deep, committed relationship—is a whole other challenge.
You might wonder why some relationships seem to fizzle out after the initial excitement, or why the man you’re attracted to pulls away just as things seem to be getting serious. If you’ve ever thought, “Why can’t I keep the men I truly want?” you’re not alone. Many women experience this pattern, and understanding the reasons behind it can be the first step toward building lasting love.
In this blog, we’ll explore some of the common reasons why attraction alone isn’t enough and what it takes to keep a relationship flourishing beyond the initial spark. And if you’re ready for a deeper dive, I’ll tell you where to find VIP insights that go even further.
1. Attraction vs. Compatibility
Attracting a man and building a lasting relationship with him are two different things. While attraction is essential, compatibility is what sustains a relationship over time. Attraction can fade if there isn’t a deeper connection and alignment in values, lifestyle, and goals.
Why This Matters: Compatibility provides a foundation for mutual understanding and shared purpose. When two people are compatible, they navigate challenges more easily and feel a stronger sense of commitment to each other.
2. Avoiding the Chase for Validation
In the early stages of dating, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation from the man you’re interested in. This can lead to a dynamic where you’re constantly working to “win” his affection, which can actually push him away.
Why This Matters: Relationships are healthiest when both partners feel secure and valued. When you focus on inner validation and self-worth, you radiate a confidence that naturally attracts lasting interest from a man without the need for constant reassurance.
3. The Importance of Emotional Intimacy
While physical attraction is a great starting point, emotional intimacy is what creates a lasting bond. Emotional intimacy requires vulnerability, communication, and trust. It’s about sharing your authentic self and creating a safe space for your partner to do the same.
Why This Matters: Men who feel emotionally connected are more likely to stay committed. Emotional intimacy goes beyond surface-level attraction, allowing both partners to build a strong foundation that withstands challenges.
4. Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy
Many women, especially high-achievers, have learned to thrive in their masculine energy—focusing on goals, control, and independence. While these qualities are powerful in the workplace, they can sometimes create a mismatch in romantic relationships. Finding a balance and embracing feminine energy can create space for the man to step into his masculine role.
Why This Matters: Men are often drawn to women who embrace their feminine energy, which includes openness, receptivity, and a sense of ease. Balancing masculine and feminine energy can lead to a more harmonious and mutually fulfilling relationship.
5. Understanding Men’s Needs for Respect and Appreciation
While women often prioritize emotional connection and verbal affirmation, men tend to feel valued through respect and appreciation. They want to feel that they’re admired and that their efforts are noticed and appreciated. Learning to express these forms of appreciation can strengthen a man’s emotional connection and commitment.
Why This Matters: Men are more likely to stay committed when they feel respected and valued for who they are. Showing appreciation and admiration can help maintain a strong connection and keep the relationship healthy.
6. Choosing the Right Man for a Lasting Relationship
Sometimes, the struggle to “keep” a man stems from focusing on men who may not be genuinely compatible or ready for a committed relationship. It’s important to be selective about the type of man you invest your time and energy into, rather than getting attached to the idea of “winning him over.”
Why This Matters: Choosing a man who aligns with your values, goals, and emotional needs increases the likelihood of a fulfilling and lasting relationship. Focusing on quality over quantity is a powerful way to set yourself up for long-term success in love.
Ready to Go Deeper?
If these insights resonated with you, and you’re ready to dive into a more detailed, in-depth look at why women struggle to keep the men they truly desire, I have a VIP blog that goes much deeper. In this exclusive post, we’ll explore the advanced relationship dynamics, attachment patterns, and mindset shifts that can empower you to attract, keep, and build a thriving relationship with the man who aligns with your highest self.
Want to Unlock the Secrets to a Lasting Relationship?
If you’re serious about transforming your love life and understanding the core patterns that might be holding you back, I invite you to check out my VIP blog: “Why Women Struggle to Keep the Man They Desire.” Inside, you’ll gain access to high-value insights that go beyond attraction and reveal the deeper truths about sustaining meaningful, lasting love.
Already a VIP Member? [Click here to access the VIP blog] and start your journey toward empowered, fulfilling relationships today. ✨
Not a VIP Member? Use the checkout form to start your journey toward empowered, fulfilling relationships today. ✨
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Nov 3, 2024 |
Ladies, if you’ve ever felt like you had to impress on a date—mentioning your degrees, accomplishments, or career success—this post is for you. When we bring that energy to a date, it can compete with his masculine drive, rather than drawing in the true provider energy we desire. ✨
Here’s the truth: High-value feminine energy doesn’t need to prove itself. It’s felt, sensed, and appreciated without a word. A man who’s looking for a committed partner is drawn to a woman who knows her worth without trying to “show” it.
Imagine going on your next date with a calm, confident presence that naturally invites him to step up and impress you. When you lean back and embrace your feminine grace, you create a magnetic energy that’s unforgettable.
Curious about how to embody this energy? In the VIP version of this blog, I’m sharing three powerful steps to show up in your high-value feminine essence on a date. These are the shifts that go beyond surface advice and transform the way men respond to you.
💖 Ready to become the woman who effortlessly attracts what she deserves? Join my VIP community and dive into the full guide to stepping into your most radiant, high-value self on dates. This is the next level of feminine energy and magnetism you’ve been looking for.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Oct 20, 2024 |
What Do Women Really Want in a Man These Days?
Why Dating Feels Impossible Lately and How to Navigate It Like a King
Let’s be real: dating can feel like a full-time job these days. One minute you’re vibing with someone, thinking you’ve found “the one,” and the next, everything goes ghost. It’s no secret that dating feels harder than ever, especially with all the apps, social media, and unspoken rules. So, what do women really want in a man these days? Is there a secret formula to standing out? Let’s break it down.
1. Confidence, Not Cockiness
Women are drawn to men who walk with purpose, but that doesn’t mean being arrogant. Confidence is about being comfortable in your own skin, knowing who you are, and owning it. It’s the quiet assurance in your actions, your words, and how you carry yourself. Cockiness, on the other hand, repels women because it feels like you’re compensating for something. True confidence means you’re not trying too hard—you’re just being you.
Pro Tip: Own your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Women can sense authenticity a mile away.
2. Emotional Intelligence Is Key
Gone are the days when being emotionally unavailable was attractive. Women today are looking for men who can tap into their emotions and communicate effectively. Emotional intelligence means being able to read the room, understand her needs, and have real, vulnerable conversations. Women appreciate men who are willing to grow emotionally and handle conflict maturely, rather than brushing things under the rug.
Pro Tip: Practice active listening. Ask her how she’s feeling, and don’t try to “fix” everything. Sometimes, she just wants to be heard.
3. Ambition with Balance
Women love a man with drive, but they also value balance. It’s not just about hustling 24/7 or making six figures. Women are looking for men who are passionate about their goals but can also prioritize their relationships and personal life. The grind is important, but so is having time for love, relaxation, and adventure.
Pro Tip: Show that you have goals, but also make it clear that you’re present and can make time for what matters.
4. Honesty and Transparency
If there’s one thing that will always be attractive, it’s honesty. Women want a man who is upfront about his intentions, emotions, and where he stands. Playing games, leading someone on, or not being clear about your feelings? That’s a fast track to failure. In a world full of uncertainty, being genuine is a rare and highly valued quality.
Pro Tip: Communicate early and often. Even if it’s uncomfortable, honesty builds trust and keeps you out of drama.
5. Chivalry Isn’t Dead—It’s Evolved
While modern women are independent and capable, they still appreciate a man who treats them with respect and care. Chivalry isn’t about outdated gender roles; it’s about showing thoughtfulness and consideration. Opening doors, planning thoughtful dates, and paying attention to the little things that make her feel valued can go a long way.
Pro Tip: It’s not about grand gestures—small, consistent acts of kindness show you’re paying attention and that you care.
6. Sense of Humor and Fun
Life is serious enough, and women want someone who can make them laugh and lighten the mood. A man with a sense of humor brings joy to her day and creates a bond that goes beyond just surface-level attraction. Whether it’s witty banter, playful teasing, or just being goofy together, humor is a powerful tool for connection.
Pro Tip: Be playful and light-hearted, but don’t force it. Let the natural chemistry create the laughs.
7. Respect for Her Independence
A modern woman values her independence, and she’s not looking for a man to control or change her. Women want partners, not caretakers. This means supporting her dreams, respecting her time, and encouraging her to shine without feeling threatened by her success or independence.
Pro Tip: Celebrate her wins, encourage her goals, and make sure she knows you’re there to elevate her, not hold her back.
8. Security and Stability
Security isn’t just about financial stability, though that can be a factor—it’s about emotional and relational security. Women want to know that they can rely on you, that you’ll be there when things get tough, and that you’re building something real together. It’s about consistency, reliability, and creating a foundation that feels safe for both of you.
Pro Tip: Be consistent in your actions, follow through on your word, and show her that she can trust you in the long run.
So, Why Does Dating Feel So Impossible?
The truth is, it’s not just you. Modern dating has evolved, and it comes with its challenges—like ghosting, miscommunication, and endless options. But the real secret to standing out in the dating world is understanding that women today aren’t just looking for someone to check off boxes. They’re seeking depth, emotional connection, and authenticity.
Yes, dating may feel like a battlefield right now, but if you focus on becoming the best version of yourself—emotionally intelligent, confident, honest, and supportive—you’ll find that the right woman will notice. And when she does, you’ll realize that the effort you’ve put in was all worth it.
Dating isn’t impossible. It’s just about leveling up your approach and being real with yourself and the women you meet. Be patient, stay true to who you are, and remember: The right woman wants the real you—not some perfect version you’re trying to portray.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Oct 19, 2024 |
1. Emotional Support and Connection
High-value men want a woman who is emotionally present, someone they can trust with their vulnerabilities and share their innermost thoughts with. They want someone who listens, understands, and can be their soft place to land after a long day. An emotional connection is what fosters deep intimacy and strengthens bonds over time.
In my Effortless Abundance Workbook, I teach the power of creating an emotional space where you and your partner feel safe, supported, and deeply connected. If you want to learn how to open up emotionally and create a nurturing relationship, it’s the perfect guide for you.
2. Feminine Energy & Nurturing Spirit
Femininity is often misunderstood. It’s not just about how you dress or act; it’s about the energy you radiate. High-value men are naturally drawn to women who embrace their feminine energy. This means being soft, open, nurturing, and inviting. Men crave the feeling of being cared for and valued, not just physically, but emotionally.
You can dive into how to align your feminine energy with my Goddess Alignment Quiz to see what areas of your energy need a boost. Unlocking your divine feminine power is a game-changer when attracting a man who truly values you.
3. Confidence without Arrogance
True confidence is magnetic. High-value men love a woman who knows her worth and stands in her power, without being boastful or arrogant. Confidence is about being self-assured, secure in your value, and not feeling the need to compare yourself to others. It also means being secure enough to allow your man to step into his masculine energy without feeling threatened.
The right balance of confidence allows you to shine in your own lane, creating a powerful, harmonious dynamic between you and your partner.
4. Kindness and Compassion
Kindness is the quiet strength that can transform any relationship. Men deeply value a woman who is compassionate not only toward them but toward others. Your ability to approach life with kindness, even when times are tough, shows your true character and earns the respect of a high-value man.
Simple acts of kindness and compassion make you stand out in a world that often values surface-level traits.
5. Shared Values and Goals
A relationship can only thrive when two people are aligned in their values and long-term goals. High-value men are drawn to women who share their vision for the future, whether that includes family, faith, career, or lifestyle. It’s about knowing where you both are headed and supporting each other’s journey.
When you understand what drives you and what you desire in a partnership, you will naturally align with someone who shares those same core beliefs.
6. Fun and Playfulness
Life can be stressful, but a woman who knows how to infuse joy and fun into everyday moments is priceless. High-value men appreciate a partner who can be playful, spontaneous, and not take life too seriously. Whether it’s surprising him with a fun date idea or simply enjoying a quiet night together, your light-hearted spirit will keep the relationship vibrant.
7. Respect and Appreciation
Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Men want to feel valued and respected for the effort, time, and energy they bring into the relationship. It’s the small acts of appreciation—like recognizing his hard work or simply saying thank you, that build trust and deepen your connection.
When a man feels respected, he is more likely to reciprocate by giving you the love, care, and attention you deserve.
8. Physical Attraction with Emotional Depth
While physical attraction is a part of any romantic relationship, high-value men are looking for more than just beauty. They want a woman who also stimulates their mind and emotions. A woman who can have deep conversations, who has passion for her life’s purpose, and who connects with them on multiple levels is incredibly attractive.
If you’re ready to manifest a high-value man who sees you for your beauty, depth, and energy, it starts with aligning yourself with these traits.