Lots of people can do things and lots do them well. Being able to do something, even exceptionally well still doesn’t mean God called you to do it. So that ends with you spinning your wheels so to speak and running around the same mountains over and over again. However when you get yourself aligned with his purpose and plans for your life? No weapon formed against you shall prosper and no devil in hell can stop you. MANY are called, FEW are chosen. We are chosen by the way we respond to the call. “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew‬ ‭22:14‬ ‭NKJV

‬‬ Life coaching combined with lightworking is one of the most beautiful jobs I’ve ever had the honor of having. I realize for the past year I’ve changed a lot of lives without truly understanding the depth and impact of my own work. It’s hard to do when you know you’re connected to source and simply being a receiving vessel for divine love. My friend often has to remind me that it is I who does the work, leaped over bounds and became unstoppable.

Last night I talked to an old client of mine. He’s a 26-year-old young man. When he met me last summer I was brand newly walking into life coaching. For some reason even though he knew this, he had no hesitation with jumping in to become a client of mine. When I met him he was crying, hurt, and devastated over a basic bish who broke his heart. (It’s always a basic bish.)

I loosely coached him for 6 months. We must give men space to learn some things on their own. They way I guide woman is different from the way I guide men. He listened to the things I said. He kept going at it. He surrounded himself with the right people. He really listened while finding his own path. I saw him begin to understand women and figure out what he likes. I saw his interactions changing and moving away from the space that allowed women to friend zone him. I watched him go from hurt and innocent, to being a handsome young man, with a whole lot of swag, and game for days. He became charming. Then he packed up one day and moved to Hollywood.

He’s zooming in on his purpose. He tells me about these women he meets and I can see how he keeps getting closer and closer to meeting that one. He recently met a spiritual woman whose also a boss chick. (He loves powerful women) But the things he was telling me that he’s doing for her to woo her, were so impressive. I told him that this one is going to work for him. He has all of the tools to capture her heart. He was like “Kissy she’s like you. When I picked her up for the date she had her hair done, nails done, makeup done, was dressed in a nice fitting dress with some stilettos.” He was so in shock. When I met him team basic was wearing tennis shoes and looking a basic mess for dates with him. He has learned how a woman acts when she’s truly into him.

He always tells me how much I’ve helped him. I hear it, but I know deep down at the moment, it all hasn’t really hit me yet, that I truly have the power to change lives. Cause in a way, I’m just following my soul. I simply love to see people’s dreams come true. I love the kind, good hearted souls and want to see them win.

Another client yesterday told me how grateful she is that she invested in working with me. I’m healing her confidence. I went to look at her Facebook page today, and I almost cried. I saw what I’m about to do to her life. I see the huge shift that’s coming. In that moment, for the first time, I finally got it. I could feel God’s spirit moving within me telling me “Kissy this is what I sent you to do.” My gifting is magnetism, love and abundance. I motivate people to move forward in pursuit of their dreams. Then I give them healing and a strategy to pull if off. To pull off dream life you need magnetic attraction and confidence in order to attract people. It’s people who make our lives better, not money. But we desire the money because it helps us make people’s lives better. We can do more and be more of our higher selves when we live with an abundance of money and love. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Us light workers, I think we often listen to too many people. Like the people who say everyone is a light worker. That’s not true. Us light workers died in this life time and resurrected our soul codes. We went through emotional pain and sometimes physical pain and suffering that others would’ve committed suicide over or simply gave up. But we made it. We did it. We built a business from our heart to help other souls. It’s such a selfless job we are called to do.

Called. That’s the word. You were called to do this work. You answered and took a hold of your super powers. I deserve billions of dollars for what I do. I hope you feel the same way about you too. I hope you too feel like you deserve to live your dream life right now. I hope you see the beauty of what God called you to do.

Lately I’ve been confused on rather I’m a Christian or not. I’m not like normal Christians and I’m also a baptized Prophetess. In this moment, I also get that YES I’m a Christian. I’m simply a called, chosen and evolved one. My success in this lifetime has always been guaranteed as long as I do the work. And the work is something I happily do each and every day. It feels so good to be back home where I belong.
