Your man isn’t rich right now, and you believe that if he was, that he would take care of you

by | Love & Relationships

I think we need to address this belief system that a lot of women have. The belief that if a man HAD IT, that he would GIVE.

There are a few stories of people who struggle loved with a man who refused to get 3 jobs in order to provide, or a woman who invested her monies into a man, who later turned around to provide for her.

But deep down, all of those men want a KISSY in their lives. After men work really hard in life to get somewhere, they tend to want a beautiful Goddess. That’s just the way it is.   When he’s in his power, he becomes highly attracted to a woman with power.

I don’t touch other women’s man. Don’t want nothing to do with another woman’s man. But believe me, I could do some snatching if I wanted to….

But this ain’t that. That’s just me doing my usual rambling.  I want to tell you something I’ve learned through my experiences of dealing with Kings who are protectors and providers, and men who simply came along to help me heal and feed into me.

Today, what I want you ladies to know is that if he had it, most times he still wouldn’t give it to YOU.

WHY? Because you were too willing to accept less from him.  You’re not valued.  You have no value. Your value is FREE. So that’s what he gives you.

Men are good men, when you inspire them to BE one. And for the most part, I’ve learned that most men actually do WANT to BE ONE.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. LISTEN when a King speaks.

Was He Really in Love, or Just Reaping the Benefits? The Truth Behind Why He Moved On So Fast

Was He Really in Love, or Just Reaping the Benefits? The Truth Behind Why He Moved On So Fast

why he moved on so fast,
was he really in love,
signs he wasn’t in love,
love vs benefits in relationships,
high-value woman dating,
why men fall out of love fast,
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emotionally unavailable men,
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