How Tekashi69 Inspired Me To Step My Game Up With His Slim Shady Level Trolling
2020 has been a remarkable year as to just how much the world is changing. It’s like an entire tsunami came through and shifted the way life works.
Between the pandemic, unemployment, deaths and pure madness, the one exciting thing that came out of the first half of 2020 is rapper Tekashi69.
The mexican rap king, was recently from prison due to Corona. He was ZERO moments, finishing up his music and releasing a video that trolled the public.
Ever possible thing that anyone could ever say about the 24-year-old Emcee, was said by himself. Many big name rappers called him a rat, a walking dead man, a snitch and so many other names.
At the young age of 24-years-old, no one should have to be under such duress.
I’m not going to go into his entire backstory. You can google it.
Anyway, Tekashi had a RAT cartoon character in his video, he laughed at everyone being mad at him, and mentioned just about every name that someone would call him. It was a pure 7 Mile Slim Shady rap battle. But there was no one there to battle Tekashi. It was the emcee against the world, and he won. The young man came back with a vengeance to claim his title as the King of New York.
Jay Z said “Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t.” Nobody ever disputed that. With more than 115 Million views in 4 days, on his Youtube video “Gooba” Tekashi’s numbers are undisputed.
Many stated that it only happened because Tekashi’s fans are little kids. (Little kids who want to see him win)
I watched Tekashi’s ENERGY on his live video and his music video and you can see he has a FIRE right now that can’t be touched. Tekashi reminds you to stop letting haters get to you, and keep it moving. He reminds you to dominate.
As a heart-centered person, you can’t but help to be happy for Tekashi’s success. All too often people get caught up in the rap world and the life of celebrities, not realizing these are actually real people and real lives being affected.
That hurt my tummy to watch…… Insanity.
But here is what you need.