How To Build a Successful Writing Business, Even If You Don’t Have An Audience
It does not take years to become a profitable writer. People who tell you that simply don’t have the right system. It also does not take years to build a following. You can build a successful multi-6-7 Figure writing business and grow your following at the same time.
Today, I’m getting straight to the point of how to make this happen in your life.
- Pick out a NICHE. The way to fast profit as a writer is to specialize in something. Specialization is where the money resides. Know your niche like the back of your hands, and deliver the results they desire. Simple as that.
- Put a system in place that builds yourself as an authority and immediately offer help to people. Doing more research and constantly learning while waiting to be profitable is not the way to go. You can learn and make money at the same time. (Thank You Jesus!)
- Do great SEO on your blog so that people can find you. SEO will send you tons of aligned traffic. This is also a shortcut so that you don’t have to post every day or constantly be active on every social media network.
- You can build an audience fast once you know your niche and their problems. Creating a system to consistently put them in front of those leads and turning those leads into customers is the way to go.
Now, what most people need to make this happen is a coach who has done it already. Like me. I have 500,000 blog followers on Facebook, my posts go viral reaching MILLIONS of people per month. I reach 2 Million people on a month when I am barely putting in effort. That’s a slow effort month.
You can also do this by yourself. Which often takes YEARS of time. Be smart, get help, implement and go straight to being a successful writer versus waiting years to HOPEFULLY be successful. Smart people hire help.
You’ll live the luxury lifestyle of your dreams, on a beach, sipping Maitais and enjoying the good life. And if you’ve worked with me 1 on 1 deeply, you’ve also healed and are on the beach with your soulmate, and not sitting there by yourself, only living HALF of the dream.
Who said life and business had to be so hard.
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As you can see, I go straight to what you need without all of the fluff. Nobody has time for fluff. I’ve made multiple six-figures YEARLY just from writing. Let’s Go!
Build A Brand & Monetize Your Writing In 30 Days or Less, Even If You Don’t Have An Audience