Now, this is most certainly worth a million dollars. It’s not like my very first client didn’t make a million dollars in a year, even when I didn’t even quite understand the SOUL SYSTEM that I gave him.
That’s another thing. Back then I didn’t know my power. But I am going to teach you yours.
Now, here is the thing. People usually do sales calls for this. But who I am looking for right now are my soulmate clients. You already know THIS is for you.
You most certainly don’t need to be lead onto a strategy call in order to get your sh*t together. You know when something is aligned for you.
So instead, simply inbox me and we’ll talk price. But if you don’t have at least $997 to start, this is not for you. For this to truly work in the next 90 Days or Less, you need to be in a place of abundance. It takes great focus to do Soul Lead writing and create consistent income that will make you money in your sleep. It’s best to create from joy. You have to be in an emotional position to IMPLEMENT what you are being taught. I don’t want to waste your time or mine. Those who work with me will get results.
Now, here is an extra bonus. With the K.I.S.S.Y. method you don’t have to coach people. So many people were talked into being a life coach, but it’s not truly what you want to do. What you really wanted to do was share your gift through writing.
I am going to show you the way. Even if you do want to coach this is an AMAZING BONUS that ties right in.
Now, once again, here are my own personal truths.
No coach taught me Soul Led writing. I am teaching from experience. However coaches did teach me how to SCALE to 7 Figures.
My brand boasts 500,000 followers on ONE page. They are addicted to MY WRITING. Right now I am not heavily active on the page, yet still surpass the algorithm and reach millions of people on a weekly basis.
Below is a real screenshot of income I’ve made from WRITING in one month. And this is just blog income and ONE of the sources of income from that blog. I have MULTIPLE sources of income for the same blog. That’s not including the entire K.I.S.S.Y. system that I’ve created.
Here is another thing, you totally don’t have to blog to make this same income or more. So don’t get caught up thinking you must. Learning this secret changed my life and gave me true FREEDOM. The system I show you works for authors/writers period.
I cringed at sharing my income or a check with people. It just didn’t seem “normal” to me. I talk a lot but I’m actually a very private introvert. However this system will show you how to get social proof to increase your opportunities.
With that being said, that’s all you need. You already know trying to do things your way hasn’t worked out for your soul. Yes, you make plenty of money, but you’re not happy because your soul wants more.
Even I quit my blog for a year and learned to do other things. Which is how I learned the power of writing what you want, and not what you think people want.
THIS is the more your soul has been searching for.
Click here to message me. Lets have a simple soul conversation about what it is you want to achieve, and how I can help you get it.
What this is going to do is free your soul by teaching you how to WRITE & MANIFEST YOUR BEST LIFE.
– You will gain confidence and stop caring what people think of you.
– You’ll grow a soulmate following of people who love everything you write, and even when they don’t they respect it and your purpose.
– You’ll be able to buy that house you want, travel the world, donate to charity and spend more time with your loved ones.
– You’ll create income from JOY and being in FLOW
– You will have authority, power and influence
– Your soul will be set free to be you
– You’ll stop caring what people think of you and learn to be your authentic self.
– No longer will you have to pay attention to what everyone else is doing.
– You will learn the SECRETS of The K.I.S.S.Y. Method, which is to Keep It Sexy Saavy & YOUnique.
– You will learn how to to DO YOU and get paid for something that fulfills you.
– The results of this course is that you will book more speaking engagements, get more requests for podcasts and truly connect with your tribe.
– You will understand marketing
– You will learn how to be an authorpreneur
– Increased book sales
– This will strengthen your brand power
– Go from hunting clients to being the hunted
– 84% of Adult Americans want to publish a book. Only 1% do. This system will show you how to be in the top 1%, where you know you belong.
It used to be to write for a popular website and find a major company to publish your book. With the K.I.S.S.Y. Method you can take control of your writing, finances and not depend on any company to approve you.