Brand, Influence, Dominate & Build a Powerful 6-7 Figure Social Media Empire

use social media to manifest your dream life

How To write & turn your spiritual gifts into a million dollar brand

Do Any of These Describe You?

  • You’re a passionate, self-reliant soul who seeks passion, purpose and prosperity.

  • You know you have a purpose for being here, know in your heart that God has called you for more than where you are now. You know you’re meant to do great things in this world, and you’re tired of phucking playing small?.    

  • You are an empath and feel the need to save the world and feel called to impact, influence and empower others on a worldwide platform, like Oprah?

  • You have million dollar dreams, and a desire to build generational wealth, yet struggle to manifest it?

  • You’re already making 6 Figures in corporate America, but it’s draining you to the point where you feel like you’re wasting your life.
  • You want to create a spiritual, soul-led empire, that lights up your soul, while helping thousands of others, and building wealth and abundance in the process. But you don’t know how to get started?
  • You want to become the highest version of yourself and create a life of happiness and abundance?

  • You are a multi-passionate writer, or heart-centered soul, with many gifts, skills and abilities, yet you don’t now which one to choose or where to start.

  • You have so many good ideas that you’ve lost count.
  • You feel overwhelmed, frustrated, confused and lacking when it comes to how to build a brand on social media… You want to stand out and be the best, and know that high value branding will help you accomplish your business goals a lot faster?

  • You want the confidence to speak your mind, be your authentic self and show up fabulously on video?

  • You want to build a tribe of soul aligned followers who love to buy?

  • You are a go getter. If someone would just give you a strategy and step by step instructions to make it happen, you know you’ll be successful? 

  • You want an already established , proven strategy and to become someone, who is paid your worth…

  • You desire to leave a legacy and support philanthropic causes, all while feeling deeply fulfilled, and being financially stable…
  • You’re disciplined, have started the process of healing, yourself, you’ve studied Susie, Pamela’s and Tiffany’s strategy and even put it into place, yet you’re still STUCK…
  • You barely worry about yourself and feel that it’s your responsibility and purpose to  help others find true happiness and freedom?
  • You want the freedom to travel the world, take vacations with your spouse/kids and do as you please, when you please…
  • You seek to be in alignment with love, peace, growth, success, understanding, your soul and your purpose.
  • You know you procrastinate too darn much.
  • You know you spend too much time in your own head and not enough time doing, and would love to have someone who will snatch you out of it and get you together.
  • You’re afraid to charge your worth. 
  • You know you’re special, magical and spiritually guided.  You want to  step into your greatness and do things in a way that is YOUnique and feels good to you. 
Kissy Denise
Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | Branding For Millionaires

Business is business, but what separates a 7 Figure or multi six figure business from the flock of fledging businesses is ELITE BRANDING mixed with advanced scaling,  manifestation, spirituality, and aligned action that combine with the laws of attraction. 

While powerful branding sets individuals like Oprah apart , you have no desire to be like Oprah.  Maybe you know you’re not really a life coach, but you’re someone called to share their magical gifts with the world.  More than anything you would love a branding and strategy method, that works with your unique gifts and talents. 

The thought of niching kills your soul.  You have about 7 different gifts and things you would like to teach on any given day.   Although you naturally lead and influence, you know it’s time to do it on a bigger scale and rise up to impact more people around the world. 

Can you imagine having a high profitable personal brand that implements every aspect of your true authentic personality and brings in consistent clients and payments every month?  You can run Facebook ads all day, but there is nothing like organically connecting to the hearts of consumers who can’t wait for you to show up online or purchase a new product from you.  You want soulmate followers who love you and aren’t afraid to do the work.

When You Become A Dream Life Influencer, you can expect to:

  • Increase Your Social Media Engagement

  • Become a Leader In Your Field & Unleash The Fullness of Your Greatness.

  • Stand Out Amongst The Crowd & Stop caring what people think of you.

  • Be extra comfortable on video and look fabulous at the same time.

  • Learn a content creation strategy that amplifies your personal business brand.

  • A proven system that will help your clients to experience incredible breakthrough

  • A 12-week curriculum personally developed by Kissy Denise  to help you scale to a six or seven-figure brand.

  • How to use your YOUnique spiritual gifts, skills, interests, personality and passions to create services and products in the global marketplace.

  • Take control over your time and finances.

  • Be paid your worth, and learn how to create and market high-end coaching courses and low-end programs that sell. 

  • Get comfortable and excited about being YOU!

  • Energetic alignment to like minded spiritual entrepreneurs and new soul aligned friendships with brilliant people who simply get you.

  • A divine strategy to birth your purpose and carry out your mission.

  • Invitations to annual retreats and events with Kissy and her team of worldwide wealth experts – exclusively for Dream Life clients.

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. ~ Napoleon Hill

Kissy Denise reviews

Client Reviews

Kissy Denise has changed the lives of hundreds of people over the years.

Kissy Denise Review
Eugene Lexing
I had the honor to sit down with Kissy 1 on 1 and learn about everything on how to build and run a successful blog from Kissy, she's the reason I started my blog, and now have almost a half Million followers.The program Kissy has started will help you grow trust me!!! I am very appreciate for the tough love Kissy gave me, in getting me to accomplish such a major goal. After it's all said and done it's well worth it I appreciate what I've learn from Kissy. She changed my life. Thank you Kissy!!​
Eugene Lexing III
Sports Blogging Extraordinaire
Kissy would get a 10 star review if that were possible. I used her consulting services to help me get through a difficult situation, and while it was very difficult Kissy helped me through it. I would highly recommend her.
This woman is amazing! God sent her here specifically to help people, and to heal them. After my first conversation with Kissy, I hung up the phone feeling more confident than I’d felt in years, more aware, and I knew I had the tools and the power to change my life! We touched on so many topics & she was very thorough with each one. I’ve had two professional psychologists tell me that I have to “revisit” my childhood trauma in order to heal it, but they never told me “how”. Kissy walked me through it, step by step. She taught me the importance of mirror work & affirmations, and gave examples to back up what she was saying. She asked me exactly what I wanted, and told me how to manifest it. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with her, and watching the life I’ve always dreamt about, come into fruition. Thank you so much, Kissy! ❤️
Teresa Cole
Founder CEO, Word To Mama

Are You Ready To Live The Life Of Your dreams & Help Others Achieve Their Dream Along The way?

“You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” ~ Napoleon Hill (Author of Think & Grow Rich)


Questions you may have?

What you'll learn by working with Kissy



i want this.
I'm Done procrastinating!



I know… You’ve invested in your fair share of business education. In fact there may have been a few where you binged watched webinars and business videos… And while you understand the importance of investing in yourself, that sh*t didn’t work for you. But you’re a warrior, you refuse to give up. 

Did you invest in a mastermind?

1 on 1 Coaching?

One more course, hoping it would get you your desired result?

I know how you feel. Been there done that. Loaded with INFORMATION…. See the thing is most people set out to create a course and only create information instead of transformation.  It’s time for the transformation of you into your highest self, becoming in alignment with your soul’s true purpose and the manifestation of your dream life.. You know what freedom is. Prosperity, good health and the money to do what you want, whenever you want…  Except for you, you also want to help others. 

You want to help them so much you fear you may not be able to get your client the transformation they seek. Have no fear. It’s time to change that. 

If you’re an experienced business owner and want to stand out in your industry, and want to become the #1 choice in your market…this is for you.

If you’re just starting out your business and want a solid clear direction, and want a winning formula to follow and succeed…this is for you.

If you’ve been in business for a while, but are spinning your wheels, and you want to get some traction on your ideas,  and get paid for being your authentic self…this is definitely for you.

If you want to be seen as a trustworthy, professional person in the marketplace, without having to be stiff or pretend to be something you’re not,  this is for you.

If you want to get paid big money for the things you’re naturally best at…this is for you.

If you can’t seem to quite put your finger on your niche, this is for you too.

Doubts & Limiting Beliefs

Most frequent fears and doubts that will keep you at a standstill.

Many people feel like there is nothing new under the sun, and that everything has already been done.  But the way you do things and the way you share your message is unique to you. While everything you know seems like common sense to you at this point, it’s actually not. 

Due to the law of attraction whatever we focus on expands. Therefore you’ve attracted a vortex of like-minded people to you, but these is still 98% of the population left who would find so much joy in learning the things you already know. 

People will buy from you because they need the information and healing that you will provide. 

Imagine if the light workers of the world were abundant and how much that would raise consciousness and vibration in the world. 

Working with Kissy will help you shift your perspective about money, business and spirituality. 

Imagine what it would feel like to have a thriving spiritual business, serving thousands while creating wealth and financial freedom for yourself and your family. 

Who are you not to be. 

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson

The truth is you are just as gifted as you think you are, probably even more. You were given those gifts by God. Yes some people may have to go to school to know what you naturally know and school can’t teach you some of the things you know. 

That’s the transcending gift that your clients need. They need you to do the work,  show up and offer your services. 

You shouldn’t be questioning your divine gifts that the universe so generously placed inside your heart to share with others.

Healing and coming into remembrance of self is something most light workers experience on the path to becoming a spiritual life coach, a healer or establishing a soul-led business. You must first heal yourself and your belief system before you can truly heal the lives of your clients. One of the biggest benefits of working with Kissy is learning to express yourself and simply BE yourself by inserting bold, unstoppable confidence and standing in your power unapologetically. You will definitely stop caring what other people think of you. 

I’ve had many clients who spent tens and thousands of dollars on Facebook ads with no results. Those clients have spent lots of money on life coaches with very little results.  While I learn fast and learned a lot from each coach, my business only started to boom once I aligned with the right coaches who simplified the strategy.  But most importantly I had to do the soul work.  No one can do the soul work for you, but sometimes we need someone to explain to us how to. Cause just asking questions and guiding people back to the soul isn’t always enough. We need answers. Many coaches overwhelm you with information. But the key is to provide transformation. This requires a strategy that is also paired with spiritual principles and personal life coaching. All of Kissy’s clients get a free clarity alignment session with the program. For the most part, this process simplifies and gets you going. 

MOST coaches focus on overwhelming you with information that may or may not apply to you.  Kissy shows you how to get more leads, more sales and build an organic audience by using divine confidence and the laws of attraction.

Every single limiting belief you could ever think about your business, your capabilities as a leader, and how far you can go in creating the vision of your dreams… I’ve struggled with it. I’ve thought it. I’ve dealt with it. And I’ve overcome it. I’ve brought myself from being raised in the projects to vibrating on the frequency of  mind doctors.

Kissy Denise is a fearless leader, known for being one of the top Dream Life strategists in the world. 

After leaving an abusive relationships, Kissy built a multi-6-figure and 7 Figure business. She is relentless in her pursuit of goals and understands what hold many spiritual entrepreneurs back from the full manifestation of their Dream Life. 

Sometimes you must set your business free from having to be your end all be all. Step back and allow your business to once again feel like a vortex for joy and creative that gives your followers an opportunity to buy in and get a shortcut on their own route of dream manifestation. 

You are the only thing standing in your way.  

Business is definitely hard work, and you make it harder on yourself due to self-sabotaging ways and unhealed patterns that have you lacking in clarity and confidence.  You’ve lost your way and must learn how to listen to soul again. 

Sometimes you tell people about all of the things you want to do and they tell you to slow down and that you can only focus on one thing.  One thing that you’ll never get quite sure about, because your soul isn’t here just for one thing. You are multi-faceted, multi-passionate and highly gifted.  You are called to share your spiritual spiritual gifts to transform the world. 

Kissy’s social media technical expertise along with her spiritual gifting, and magnetic attraction methods, helps clients clearly see the full fruition of their 7 Figure empire and align them with a strategy to use each of their gifts, while making lots of money and impacting your tribe of followers.  Kissy gives you a divine strategy in alignment with your soul’s true path.

Kissy believes that all of our trials and tribulations are lessons given to us to allow you to reach back and help other souls find their way. This is why you set out to become a life coach. 

Although you write and attract followers, you’re ready for more deeper, sacred connection to your followers. You’re ready to bring FUN into your business and create consistent income. 

Is your highest goal in this year to  achieve balance in each area of your life? Including financial stability, abundance, business, health, love and spirituality. By applying the Law of Abundance in soul-led business along with an advanced social media strategy, Kissy has helped clients acquire the freedom they desire to build the life of their dreams. 

This requires that one becomes unavailable for anything less, and bring feminine energy into your business.  Embodying some level of feminine divine energy is a must for light workers.  Working in the divine and letting flow in allows you to create your desired 7 Figure business, with ease and grace. 

Kissy Standing


Dream Life Coach


This journey of life is all about expanding, becoming, love, people & purpose 

You did not come this far just to let your lack of confidence stop you from ascending into the highest version of yourself in business and pleasure. You are ready to walk past your comfort zone and do the work it takes to have your business running on automatic while you are on vacation with your spouse. You have purpose inside of you that will lead you to a life of freedom, choice and fulfillment. Not to mention money in the bank to change lives.  You also have a unique strategy inside you. 

How long are you going to wait? The perfect day will never come, unless you make today the perfect day to change your life and do what your soul is called to do.  You see that’s the secret people don’t tell you. YOU taking ALIGNED ACTION creates the perfect circumstances for the achievement of your desired manifestation. 

Build your brand, bring in more profit, and live the life of abundance you deserve.  All it takes is a DECISION.  A decision to walk past fear and say YES to yourself. Say YES to your future and do what no one in your family generation has done before you.

This is how you make ish happen in your life!

This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook. 


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